Lore: The Planet of Elivera

The Planet of Elivera Elivera is a world-build project I have been working on since middle school. Over time, I learned more about the techniques of world-building, and so was able to refine and improve upon the lore to dig deeper into the intricacies of the Elivera Universe. In this post, I’ll talk about the… Continue reading Lore: The Planet of Elivera

A Primer on Writing Trans Characters

Introduction A question I’m commonly asked is: how does one write a trans character? I also get asked this question in regards to writing gay, lesbian, or bisexual characters, and/or how to write a person of color. There is a lot of overlap in these questions since a person can have a variety of skin… Continue reading A Primer on Writing Trans Characters

Worldbuild: Cities

In a society, people tend to gather in communities, and over time these communities can expand and grow, developing into cities. Thus, when world-building, cities can prove to be intensely beneficial to your stories. Taking the time to develop them can help you better understand the setting of your story and how your characters may… Continue reading Worldbuild: Cities

To stand on an alien world

Our eyes can’t see Infrared light, so a world that thrives on IR might look like the above picture to us. Though the color of the sky might be a different color than this picture shows. Our Moon What is it like to stand on a world that is not Earth? For those that have… Continue reading To stand on an alien world

How I craft a language Part 2: Phonetics and Phonology

You can read the first part of this series here. This is a continuation of that first post. I’ve made some concept drawings of my Dragios species, but as I’m not the best at drawing, this is mostly sketches with only the head done in any sort of detailed fashion. Here’s one of the design… Continue reading How I craft a language Part 2: Phonetics and Phonology

Paper Mache Project Completed

Here is the final pictures of the paper mache project: I apologize for the fuzzy aspect to the pictures. They were taken with my phone camera. Also, I tilted the globe so you can see the north and south poles more clearly:   I am looking down at the globe toward the northern hemisphere and… Continue reading Paper Mache Project Completed

Paper Mache Planet Update!

Finally! I have succeeded in determining a way to paint my planet. This is the first batch of paint — it will need at least two if not three coats of acrylic paint – and there is some pieces of continent in the southern hemisphere and three islands in the northern hemisphere that have yet… Continue reading Paper Mache Planet Update!

A Single Story

I recent TED Talk I found really spoke to me.  Chimamanda Adichie is from Nigeria, and she speaks about the danger of a single story, where she relates how a single story of Africa has caused grave harm and a critical misunderstanding about the huge diversity of people and cultures within Africa.  There are many… Continue reading A Single Story

Elivera Cultural Studies 1

I’ve been working on another project, where I record songs from my Elivera Universe. Below is the start of this series. Enjoy! Elivera Cultural Studies This current study concerns the Eagrok people of the continent of Vera. In the temperate regions of the continent, the trees are nearly a kilometer high and several kilometers at… Continue reading Elivera Cultural Studies 1

How I craft a language Part 1

Note: This will be the first in a series. I apologize for how late this is coming out. I had a health issue that was paramount, and now that has cleared up, I will be returning to writing in this blog once a week. Thank you for your patience! Whenever I create a language, I… Continue reading How I craft a language Part 1