An Art Show

For the month of March, my fractal art will be on display at the local Unitarian Universalist Church! This means I may have potential buyers for my art.

My pricing really depends on the piece. I do not give out the digital copy unless the person is willing to pay for that extra, and it’s only for commissions, where I make the piece specifically for them.

In the upcoming week, I will create a post and a widget specifically for commissions, so the email will pre-populate with the information I’ll need for the commission. I will also create a paypal widget for folks to pay me before I send them the print. So be on the lookout!

I’m pretty excited for these developments. I’ll post pictures and a story of how the “Meet the Artist” event goes later in the month.

Below is one of my fractals as featured in the art show (it’s part of a triptych).  That is a preview image and is not at its full 6000 by 4800 resolution:

Preview fractal image.JPG

By Aibird

Open the door, step inside. Here you find a forest, teeming with animals and birds, which sweeps up the sides of snow-capped mountains. Here in the small pocket of beauty, one finds the essence of my soul. A writer at heart, I delve deep into the finer details of humanity's spirit, and seek to share with others what gems I uncover. I find life exciting and full of interesting surprises, and despite the great pain that often confronts me, I persevere with the joy in my heart still bubbling, and the light of my soul still aflame. There is a time and a place to introspect one's self, but often enough it is best to not look back in regret, but leap forward in the present toward the achievement of one's deepest dreams. I am a wanderer. An explorer. One place cannot contain me for long, but to my friends and family, I remain loyal, for love is not bound by time nor place. Once cultivated and nourished continuously, it binds people together on a journey through the unknown reaches of life.

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